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Henry Stimpson’s PR and Marketing Tips
Summer 2008

ProfNet Changes the Media-Relations Game

Today, more and more reporters locate expert sources through two services: ProfNet and, lately, "HARO."

Any reporter looking for a source can send in an inquiry—on virtually any subject—to either or both of these services. Inquiries are emailed to all subscribers. Anyone who has a relevant expert can write back.

ProfNet and HARO are competitive. The key to success: craft a brief pitch that will convince the reporter that you have one of the very best sources available. Your pitch should be to the point and briefly cover the expert's qualifications. Write as much as you need to make your case, but no more. Be concise.

The reporter might write back right away. Or days may go by, and just when you've decided the journalist chose someone else, you get an email in your in-box. Or you might get no response at all.

These services do work. And once you've established a new relationship with a journalist, you can go back to that individual.

If you're serious about getting publicity, you or your PR consultant should subscribe to ProfNet.

It's a good idea to subscribe to HARO too—a free service that stands for "Help a Reporter Out." As a paid service, ProfNet is better organized. It gives you the option of limiting inquiries to subjects that are relevant to your organization. With the more informal, funky HARO, it's all or nothing. But since the cost is also nothing, there's no reason not to get it.

The traditional way of playing the media-relations game—cultivating reporters and editors—is still a game worth playing, but it's not the only game in town anymore. Cast your media net wider with ProfNet and HARO.

copyright Stimpson Communications


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